Why (I am) a Life Coach?

Michael Laffey, Life Coach

My History | My Approach Road To Life Coaching

I came to life coaching having been through the process myself. It showed me that working with someone who is experienced in listening, feedback, questioning supportively while also being objective in their view of your situation, creates a cohesive framework, meaningful goals while having the freedom to explore options to achieve it all.

More of that process and my personal reflection can be read here.

My Why | My Love of Being a Life Coach

I view coaching as being a facilitator of a space where we work with our intuition, our desires, our own challenges, our experiences while feeling championed and supported.

Here’s a “from the hip” list what I get out of being a Coach.

People Seeing Things In The Round

  • No matter how you look at any situation or desire, neither it nor its effects exist in isolation
  • We are influenced by, draw conclusions from and create dependencies in all aspects of our lives. Through each of  those runs a common thread of values, strengths, barriers & connections
  • Experience is both bitter & sweet. It teaches us constantly. Often we choose to hear the negatives while taking our strengths for granted and unsung
  • All aspects of our lives can add up to what we could call perfect, balanced or happy. How interchangeable are these terms? The relevance or desired levels of each aspect of our life is highly personal and for each person the “balance” between different parts or the requirement of any combination dictates whether we feel lucky, unlucky, increasingly aware of what we want to improve or, even, ready
  • Over time, some aspects of our  lives become less relevant to focus on. Other parts, more relevant. The focus & requirements really do change over the years
  • This is what excites me about life coaching. The personal choices people make, the make up of what constitutes their personal, perfect or balanced lifestyle is never the same

People Creating Clarity

  • Being given time to re-group & focus allows someone to untangle the ‘everything needs to change’ scenario; creating clearer connections & greater clarity of thought
  • Once someone is able to break down their problem(s) they see the outcome(s) they want more clearly

People Thriving on Ownership

  • We can easily become enmeshed in being recipients of what life dictates yet there are things we can do to improve our situation
  • We are far more positive in our outlook & approach to life when we realise we have options, can make choices, can define the actions we need and then go act on them. All the time with support

People Forming Self-Validation

  • By questioning perspectives or approaches in a healthy & non-aggressive way we form insight. We can explore alternative perspectives or interpretations openly & safely without reproach
  • The insight formed can create a benchmark by which it’s possible to assess and feel what’s right

People Forming Self-Regulation

  • Identifying the connections that contribute to repeated old habits, identifying patterned behaviour in terms of situations & friendships allows us to filter what is, and what is not, useful in achieving our aims
  • The more we do this, we become increasingly aware of ourselves. Sensing the signs of what works, what doesn’t, what’s manageable and even when rest is needed

Objective Support & Accountability

  • Having someone along side emables positive self accountability. I will constantly support, question any perceived failures or set-backs and always celebrate successes large, small and incremental


Related Post: Why (Have) a Life Coach

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