BBC 3 Minute Fitness – A Review

Michael Laffey Life Coach Health Fitness HIIT

I’m really enjoying the reaction around the 3 Minute Fitness programme on BBC a couple of nights ago. What I particularly enjoyed about the programme, was the programme itself!  I have found myself increasingly irritated by TV journalism over recent years and a lot of subject matters are glossed over, lack substance and somehow sensationalise topics to increase viewing figures. I […]

A Taste of My Own Medicine

Michael Laffey Life Coach, A Taste of My Own Medicine

Here I was in a situation where I knew what to do. I also knew what I wasn’t doing. I had associated for too long with the problem, but I wasn’t improving upon  it. Along came an opportunity to act as coachee for a supervised trainee coach. Here’s what happened… The Coaching Process Session 1 got the […]

Speaking Up for Gym

Michael Laffey Life Coach, Gym, Positivity

Gyms come in for a bit of a bashing. Membership costs can be high, client slope off can be rapid, people can feel intimidated by some of the Bunnies & Marys and people say they are bored on the treadmill. Before someone shouts, ‘Arh but going to the gym doesn’t mean you’re healthier or fitter’, […]