What if -v- If only

Michael Laffey, Life Coach, What if, If only

This will be a short sharp post. Nothing more than a personal reflection. I’m not one for too many rules as I find them constraining, but I do have a few guiding principles. One of them is to avoid saying “if only”.  Fate has its place but not when it comes to being the master of one’s own […]

Learning to Bounce

Michael Laffey, Learning to Bounce, Resilience, ABC Model, Perspectives

 “Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also” – Carl Jung Believe it or not, I’m not always Mr Life is Bloomingly Wonderfully Positive. Dreaming the dream, finding the goal and planning the path all have their place. Yes, we have those times. We need them and they inspire us. They are a key part […]

Analysis Paralysis

Michael Laffey, Life Coach, Analysis Paralysis

  Somewhere recently I heard this phrase and immediately jotted it down. It’s nothing new, I know, but I’d forgotten about it and I thought it summed up a common trait when it comes to making moves in certain directions. At decision making times we may feel we need to have thought through every option imaginable, together with every conceivable […]

Flipping Lent

Michael Laffey, Life Coach, Lent, Pankcake, Flipping Lent

Today is Pancake Day and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ll be absolutely gorging on my favourite food late into the evening! And as a result, here we are at the beginning of Lent. That period where people want to give up something for 40 days; subjecting themselves to ongoing battles with the Prince of Darkness and his armoury […]

Momentum Matters!

Michael Laffey Life Coach Momentum Matters

Maintaining momentum is key to getting results. We all need some helpful reminders and tools to break our old habits in order to form new ones. What I’ve done here is to jot down a few ‘basics’ for those times when everything and anything is easier than what you really want for yourself.  Give Yourself 20 Minutes You really […]

Independence Does Not Mean Isolation

Michael Laffey LIfe Coach, Independence, Isolation

Isn’t the concept of Independence a strange thing? I’ve been pondering on it a lot recently. Not about myself at the start, but that did come as a  result. Striving For Independence From an early age we strive to be independent. We want shot of parental control, to earn our own money, buy our own things, make our […]

Managing New Year’s Resolutions in 2011

Michael Laffey, Life Coach, Resolutions, New Year

Resolution Tips I know, you can’t move for reading about New Year’s Resolutions this time of year. Below you will see a few things I’ve picked up. Hopefully, some will work for you. What Is A Resolution? Once you know what it is then you can decide if you’re making one! What it is not is a wish […]