Re-Visiting Rich Pictures – Olympian Style


I’m sharing this because it’s enjoyable to watch and because I think it illustrates the subject of Rich Pictures beautifully.

I initially posted about Rich Pictures some time ago.

I believe they are a valuable tool and incredibly concise approach to reviewing our situations in the round: encapsulating what they are, what they mean to us and what it takes to make them happen. This can be referred to as Systems Thinking or Modelling.

Learning from Masters

Athletes are masters in managing their skills, motivation and mental barriers. Olympic athletes take it to a stratospheric level.

Check out the video to see what Rio 2016 means to Team GB Athletes

My Previous Post: Rich Pictures: Literally Paint a Thousand Words

I write about the concept and benefits of tapping into the associations we hold about our situations. How mapping them in a Rich Picture helps us to understand the whole situation as well as its component parts. Once drawn they are a great tool to connect back with why we want what we want or which aspects to address if things don’t feel right.

Happy watching and reading.


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