Finding The Story: Self-Evaluation & Self-Worth

Michael Laffey Life Coach Story Self Evaluation Self Worth

‘People have self-worth if they value themselves and see their life as meaningful’, Freden,1982[i] Let’s start with a couple of definitions: Self-Evaluation: measuring up to Self-Worth: perception of your own value __________________________________________________________________________________________ The Context of Finding Meaning Finding one’s meaning is highly personal & unique. Equally, the measurements someone applies to that meaning can change […]

The Comfort of Discomfort

Michael Laffey Life Coach Comfort of Discomfort

This blog piece has been in my drafts for ages! Love the phrase but I couldn’t find the right way of expressing it. Thanks to an article I read yesterday, I’ve found a way of completing it! Thank you, Margie Warrell. In various ways we hear that we should, and it’s ok to, embrace “fear” […]

Your Work-Life Balance = ?

Michael Laffey, Life Coach, TED, Work, Life, Balance, Nigel Marsh

Work-Life balance isn’t always about creating massive changes or taking on more. It’s about re-distributing your own priorities & setting your own boundaries. Often these can clash with work and family commitments. I advocate that these priorities & boundaries change constantly over a lifetime. Nigel Marsh uses humour and some tough-love statements to make the […]

45 – So, What Was 44 All About?

Michael Laffey Life Coach 45 Birthday

On Friday 9th August I turned 45! As always happens in the lead-up to my birthday, I’m as unsettled as a hatching hen. I’m up. I’m down. I jiggle. A constant process of feeling unsettled until the big day. It’s a crazy two weeks! 🙂 Throughout this time I have flashbacks to moments over the last […]

Why (I am) a Life Coach?

Michael Laffey Life Coach Why Have A Life Coach Direction

My History | My Approach Road To Life Coaching I came to life coaching having been through the process myself. It showed me that working with someone who is experienced in listening, feedback, questioning supportively while also being objective in their view of your situation, creates a cohesive framework, meaningful goals while having the freedom to […]

Why (Have) a Life Coach?

Michael Laffey Life Coach Keep Calm Get a Life Coach

That’s the big question. Why (have) a life coach? The coach possesses: Listening skills Questioning skills Objectivity You, the client, gain clarity through: Identification of any type of barrier holding you back (self-held or external) Identification of your strengths (skills, approaches, styles) Identification of areas you want to develop (either in terms of the outcome you […]

A 2013 Wish

Michael Laffey Life Coach, 2013, Wish

All I ever want for people is for them to find, feel and experience their kind of happiness. That may take time, exploration, setbacks and ah-hah! moments. Enjoy them. Learn by them. Set your happiness clock by them. As much as I believe in action it means nothing without connection. Find out why you want […]

Mozzie Power

Michael Laffey Life Coach, Impact, Mosquito, Power

Inspirational phrases are ten a penny and can be a bit of a coaching cliché. But I like this one. Its relevance is broad; applicable across the spectrum from people needing courage to move forward with their plan but may be nervous or unsure to do so, to that niggling idea in your head that […]