Momentum Matters!

Maintaining momentum is key to getting results.

We all need some helpful reminders and tools to break our old habits in order to form new ones.

What I’ve done here is to jot down a few ‘basics’ for those times when everything and anything is easier than what you really want for yourself.

Michael TLC:

I created this blog post 4 years ago! and despite a few tweaks it still works! 🙂

Originally posted on : February 12, 2011

Maintaining momentum is key to getting results.

We all need some helpful reminders and tools to break our old habits in order to form new ones.

What I’ve done here is to jot down a few ‘basics’ for those times when everything and anything is easier than what you really want for yourself.

Lemon_TeaGive Yourself 20 MinutesYou really do have 20 minutes for you in your day. There, I have said it for you. Permission granted!

Those 20 minutes could be about doing something or planning something.

If you’re working towards something please don’t create huge tasks. Several bite-size chunks are far more palatable and create tangible progress.

For me, the best 20 minutes of the day are in the morning. I’m by no means a morning person (!) yet this is my most level headed time of day. While waking up with my morning cup of coffee it’s a time when I have…

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