Emoji Land | The Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down of Social Media

an emoji is not a connection

I came across this short Radio 4 piece and it struck a chord.

In an age of populism, greater polarity of views, and the divisive tweeting of presidents I feel it worth sharing.

Is the culture of character limitation or the use of binary emoticons more akin to a Roman judgement of who lives or dies in the arena? Define “civilised”.

Added to that is the concept of questioning and discoursing a greater understanding. Somehow soundbiting is the new authority.

Sit back and listen for a few minutes.

Radio 4 - Dramatic Speech - EmojiLand - Howard Jacobson

Click the image to hear Howard Jacobson | EmojiLand


I know I often wax lyrical about the use of social media and then I cringe in the irony of talking about it in a blog and then sharing that across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn!  Hey-ho it is the way of modern communication.

As always, the point is that social media has its place.

Bottom line is that it’s a tool or mechanism which reflects more about the user than whether the tool itself is good or bad.



Our Social Media World

FOMO and the Fois-Gras-ification of Living Online


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