Key Characteristics of Resilience | Laurel Alexander, Wellness Professionals at Work

Continuing on the topic of “Stress: are we coping?”, Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, I’m delighted to introduce Laurel Alexander and to include her article, Key Characteristics of Resilience. Laurel was my coaching tutor back in 2011. As I gradually lifted one foot off London and placed it tentatively onto the south coast, Laurel was kind, welcoming […]

Taking the Lid off of Stress and Mental Health | Carole Spiers, Chair, International Stress Management Association [UK]

Over the coming weeks some marvellous people have kindly offered to contribute their experience and expertise on the topic of “Stress: Are We Coping?”. Stress is the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week 2018. My aim in bringing together these kind contributions is to highlight experts from different spheres so that as many readers as possible will […]

Health Aims | 2018

health, michael laffey, life coach, michael laffey life coach, entire, whole

Show me a new year list and some mention of health can be found near the top. The topic is vast and deeply personal and my aim here is not to focus on one particular aspect. The basics of activity levels and what we eat is often reflective of other dimensions of ourselves. Taking care […]

Are Science and the Mind finally Converging

I’ve been to more talks focused on memory, mind and the brain recently at The Royal Institution. With increasing focus on mental health people want scientific answers to understanding and dealing with dementia, mid-life crises, anxiety, depression, trauma, how we learn, what happens when we sleep, why do we dream, how does a placebo really […]

September 2017 | Autumn Newsletter

September 2017 | Autumn Newsletter Autumn has arrived and nothing crystalises our own changes more than when we step outside and register what’s going on around us. As it’s September, I’m going to grab the autumn harvest metaphor, and ask the following questions of you: what am I proud of achieving this year? What is […]

Is Sugar The New Fat?

            Brighton Science Festival | 5th Sept 2017 | Sugar Is The New Fat These are my notes from a talk at the Brighton Science Festival a couple of weeks ago. A healthy diet is part of a healthy lifestyle and contributes significantly to our overall wellbeing. We all know we […]